Bukovel Endurance Ultratrail 2016 - VsiProbihy

Bukovel Endurance Ultratrail

mountain area Gorgany, Bukovel
Views 5180

Date: 25 September 2016, Sunday
Time start: 04:00
Organizer: Endurance School

Distances: mountain running 55km, mountain running 20km, mountain running 10km

Price of registration:

Untill 31.08.2016 - 600 uah / After 01.09.2016 - 800 uah
Untill 31.08.2016 - 300 uah / After 01.09.2016 - 400 uah
Untill 31.08.2016 - 200 uah / After 01.09.2016 - 300 uah

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Горный бег Bukovel Endurance Ultratrail 2016

Fall in Bukovel is the time to challenge yourself. Each weekend resort invites the most daring sportsmen. 

New sport competitions. New challanges. New achievments. Ready to accept mountains' challenge?

BUKOVEL ENDURANCE RACE 2016 – is a race organized by Bukovel resort and Endurance School among men and women.
3 types of races:
- Endurance Race (55 km / vertical gain 3000 m / 12 hours)
- Bukovel Race (20 km / vertical gain 1200 m / 5 hours)
- Beginner Race (10 km / vertical gain 750 m / 3 hours)

Are you ready to run with a mountain wind?

Competition Schedule:

24 September 2016 
10:00 – registration of participants
17:00 - opening 
18:00 – Pasta Party

25 September 2016 
4:00 – start of ENDURANCE RACE 
7:00 – start of BUKOVEL RACE
11:00 – start of BEGINNER RACE 
12:00 – close of BUKOVEL RACE distance
14:00 – close of BEGINNER RACE distance
16:00 – close of ENDURANCE RACE distance
17:00 - Rewarding